Field Trip to Global Mamas Fair Trade Zone

Our Ghana team closed out the year with an eye-opening field trip to the new Global Mamas Fair Trade Zone. We all came away inspired for the new year!

It was fascinating for us to see how a similar (but different) operation is run. From simple things like fixing a measuring tape to the cutting table (💡) to broader schemes about how to structure workflow, we left with many ideas, and are as always super grateful to share a generous and friendly relationship with other batiker producers in Ghana. We so thankful to Global Mamas for having us! 

Many years in the making, the FTZ is the realization of big dreams, and the place does many things. It is a bespoke production space where batik clothing, glass jewelry, paper, natural soaps, and more are made. It is also the administrative hub of Global Mamas; housing their quality control, business and design offices, and meeting space. Designed by Juergen Strohmayer, the architecture considers its ergonomics and environmental impact, from its bio-digester toilets to its compressed earth walls to its relationship to the local Akuse landscape. ​​​​​​​​​

Congratulations to all involved in this beautiful and generative project! 🎉



